Course curriculum

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    Lost Historical Horse Books

    • A Horse Book (1901)

    • A Method of Breaking Horses and Teaching Soldiers to Ride (1762)

    • Baucher's Method of Horsemanship (1851)

    • A Practical Guide to the Breaking and Training of the Young Horse (1851)

    • A Treatise on the Cavalry and Saddle Horse (1803)

    • About Buying a Horse: Occasional Happy Thoughts (1875)

    • Advice to Purchasers of Horses (1835)

    • Among Horses in Russia (1900)

    • An Academy For Grown Horsemen (1905)

    • The Breeding and Management of Draught Horses (1882)

    • The Art of Shoeing Horses (1916)

    • Bits and Bearing Reins and Horses and Harness (1885)

    • Breaking and Training Horses (1904)

    • Breeding and Developing the Trotter (1906)

    • A Plain Treatise on Horse Shoei

    • Breeding, Training, Management & Diseases of Horses (1893)

    • Buying a Horse (1916)

    • Character Building - What I Know About Breaking and Training Colts and Horses (1905)

    • Cunningham's Device for Stockmen and Farmers (1882)

    • Domestic Animals - A Pocket Manual (1858)

    • Driving Lessons (1894)

    • Essays on Horse Subjects (1907)

    • Essays on Horse Subjects (1907)

    • Every Horse Owner's Training Manual (1871)

    • Footprints of the Horse (1865)

    • Guide to the Specimens of The Horse Family (1907)

    • Gleason's Horse Training Made Easy (1900)

    • First-Hand Bits of Stable Lore (1903)

    • Hints on Horsemanship (1919)

    • Hints to Horse-Keeper - A Complete Manual for Horsemen (1906)

    • Horse Breeding on the Range (1892)

    • Horse Breeders and Trainers Comparison Table (1915)

    • Horse Breeding Recollections (1883)

    • Horse and Man (1869)

    • Horse and Man - Their Mutual Dependence and Duties (1885)

    • Horse Equipments and Equipments For Officers and Enlisted Men (1908)

    • Horse Packing - A Manual of Pack Transportation (1914)

    • Horse Foot and Dragoons (1888)

    • Horse Raising in Colonial New England (1922)

    • Horse Training By Modern Methods (1912)

    • Horse Owners Guide (1878)

    • Horse Truck and Tractor (1913)

    • Horseback Riding From a Medical Point of View (1878)

    • Horse-Keeping for Amateurs (1800)

    • Horse Mastership - A Lecture With an Appendix (1911)

    • Horsemanship For Women (1887)

    • Horses and Riding (1909)

    • Horses and Horsemen and Stable Management (1908)

    • Horses and Roads - How to Keep a Horse Sound on His Legs (1880)

    • Horse-Racing in France - a History (1886)

    • Horses and Saddles and Bridles (1895)

    • How to Ride and School a Horse (1881)

    • How to Break, Ride and Drive a Horse (1898)

    • Humane Horse-Training (1922)

    • How to Buy a Horse - A Treatise (1879)

    • Illustrated Horse Breaking (1889)

    • How to Judge a Horse (1893)

    • How to Break, Educate, and Handle the Horse For the Uses of Every Day Life (1901)

    • How to Choose a Horse (1901)

    • Illustrated and Descriptive Catalog of Saddlery, Carriage and Sleigh Trimmings (1910)

    • Illustrated Horse Breaking (g_1889

    • Instruction For Field Artillery Horse and Foot (1845)

    • Lessons in Horse Judging (1879)

    • Illustrated Lectures on Horsemanship (1895)

    • Long-Distance Riding (1894)

    • Justin Morgan Founder of His Race - The Romantic History of a Horse (1911)

    • Light Horses - Breed and Management (1919)

    • Lovers of the Horse (1909)

    • Management and Breeding of Horses (1915)

    • Modern Horsemanship - A New Method of Teaching Riding and Training (1884)

    • Modern Horsemanship - Three Schools of Riding (1889)

    • Making the American Thoroughbred - Especially in Tennessee 1800-1845 (1916)

    • Modern Riding and Horse Education (1912)

    • My Quest of the Arab Horse (1909)

    • New Method of Horsemanship (1800)

    • Nolan's System for Training Cavalry Horses (1862)

    • Magner's Standard Horse and Stock Book (1903)

    • Principles of Horse Feeding (1903)

    • On Horse Breaking (1877)

    • Rational Horse-Shoeing (1873)

    • On the Laws and Practice of Horse Racing (1866)

    • Provisional Drill and Service Regulations for Field Artillery-Horse and Light, vol 2 (1916)

    • Our Noblest Friend the Horse (1903)

    • Save the Horse - Book of Directions (1922)

    • Science of Horse Training Containing the History of Twenty Years Experience in Training Horses and Breaking Colts (1870)

    • Road Track and Stable (1892)

    • Savigear's Guide to Horsemanship and Horse Training (1899)

    • Small Horses in Warfare (1900)

    • Recollections of Men and Horses (1907)

    • Shoeing and Balancing the Light Harness Horse (1916)........................................................................................................................................................................

    • Stable Building and Stable Fitting (1891)

    • The ABC of the Horse (1900)

    • Seats and Saddles - Bits and Bitting (1879)

    • Taming or Breaking the Horse (1858)

    • The American Reformed Horse Book (1920)

    • Stable Management and Exercise (1900)

    • The Arab - The Horse of the Future (1905)

    • The American Thoroughbred (1905)

    • The Arabian Art of Taming and Training Wild and Vicious Horses (1858)

    • The Art of Horsemanship (1893)

    • The Arab Horse (1906)

    • The Army Remount Problem (1911)

    • The Art of Horse-Shoeing: a Manual For Farriers (1898)

    • The Art of Taming Horses (1858)

    • The Farmers and Horseman's Guide to Drive the Horse (1872)

    • The Gaits, Exterior and Proportions of the Horse (1896)

    • The Care of Horses: A Book For All Who Have Practical Charge of Horses (1910)

    • The Farmer's Practical Horse Farriery (1858)

    • The Form of the Horse (1862)

    • The Family Horse - It's Stabling, Care and Feeding (1889)

    • The Genealogy of the English Race Horse (1810)

    • The Great Horse (1899)

    • The Gentleman's Stable Manual (1861)

    • The Hand Horse-Book (1866)

    • The Handbook of Horsemanship Containing Plan Practical Rules For Riding, Driving and the Management of Horses (1842)

    • The Harness Horse (18the_harness_horse_189

    • The History and Delineation of the Horse (1809)

    • The History and Art of Horsemanship (1771)

    • The Horse (1905)

    • The Horse and Dog - Not As They Are But As They Should Be (1882)

    • The Horse and His Ways (1898)

    • The Horse and His Diseases (1860)

    • The Horse and How to Care For Him (1911)

    • The Horse and It's Relatives (1912)

    • The Horse and the Hound (1842)

    • The Horse and the War (1918)

    • The Horse - A Study in Natural History (1892)

    • The Horse - His Breeding, Care and Treatment (1917)

    • The Horse - It's Taming, Training and General Management (1888)

    • The Horse - How to Breed and Rear Him (1890)

    • The Horse - It's Selection and Purchase (1907)

    • The Horse - How to Buy and Sell (1902)

    • The Horse - It's Varieties and Management (1896)

    • The Horse as Comrade and Friend (1921)

    • The Horse and His Breeding Care and Use (1911)

    • The Horse in History (1908)

    • The Horse - It's Treatment in Health and Disease With a Complete Guide to Breeding, Training and Management, Vol 2 (1905)

    • The Horse - It's Treatment in Health and Disease With a Complete Guide to Breeding, Training and Management, Vol 3 (1905)

    • The Horse - It's Treatment in Health and Disease With a Complete Guide to Breeding, Training and Management, Vol 4 (1905)

    • The Horse - It's Treatment in Health and Disease With a Complete Guide to Breeding, Training and Management, Vol 5 (1905)

    • The Horse - It's Treatment in Health and Disease With a Complete Guide to Breeding, Training and Management vol_7_1905

    • The Horse - It's Treatment in Health and Disease With a Complete Guide to Breeding, Training and Management vol_9_1905

    • The Horse - His Breeding, Care and Treatment (1917)

    • The Horse - It's Selection and Purchase (1907)

    • The Horse - It's Taming, Training and General Management (1888)

    • The Horse - How to Buy and Sell (1902)

    • The Horse - It's Treatment in Health and Disease With a Complete Guide to Breeding, Training and Management vol_1_1905

    • The Horse - How to Breed and Rear Him (1890)

    • The Horse - It's Treatment in Health and Disease With a Complete Guide to Breeding, Training and Management vol_6_1905

    • The Horse - It's Varieties and Management (1896)

    • The Horseman's Hand Book (1874)

    • The Horseman - A Work on Horsemanship (1844)

    • The Horse Owner's Guide (1861)

    • The Horse-Breeder's Guide and Hand Book (1883)

    • The Horse-Owners Guide (1818)

    • The Horses of Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance

    • The Horse's Rescue (1882)

    • The Lady and Her Horse (1857)

    • The Horseowner and Stableman's Companion (1871)

    • The Internal Parasites of our Domesticated Animals (1873)

    • The Improved Practical System of Educating The Horse (1866)

    • The Improved System of Education the Horse (1869)

    • The Horse-Trainer's and Sportman's Guide (1868)

    • The Modern Art of Taming Wild Horses (1858)

    • The Management and Treatment of the Horse (1882)

    • The Pocket and the Stud (1857)

    • The Percheron Horse (1868)

    • The New System of Educating Horses (1877)

    • The Practical Horse Keeper (1890)

    • The Regeneration of the Morgan Horse (1910)

    • The Practical Stud Groom (1913)

    • The Race Horse - How to Buy, Train and Run Him (1892)

    • The Psychology and Training of the Horse (1906)

    • The Pure Arabians and Americo-Arabs (1908)

    • The Saddle Put on the Right Horse (1783)

    • The Naturalists Library - Horses, Vol 20 (1833)

    • The Royal Horse Book - Centaur (1885)

    • The Saddle-Horse: A Complete Guide For Riding and Training (1891)

    • The Stable Book (1856)

    • The Trotting and the Pacing Horse in America (1904)

    • The Trotting Horse of America (1874)

    • The Two-Minute Horse (1922)

    • The Young Lady's Equestrian Manual (1838)

    • The XXth Century Book on the Horse (1907)

    • The Virginian - A Horseman of the Plains (1917)

    • Training and Horse Management in India (1905)

    • Training the Trotting Horse (1890)

    • What Horse for the Cavalry (1912)

    • Twelve Lectures on the Form and Action of the Horse (1850)

    • Unasked Advice - A Series of Articles on Horses and Hunting (1872)

    • With Horse and Hound (1911)